With a Fixed Indexed Annuity (FIA), you have the potential for growth at a higher rate without the risk of losing your principal or being directly in the stock market.

Unlike a traditional fixed annuity where the insurance company sets the interest rate, an indexed annuity credits interest based partly on the upward movement of a major-market stock index.  During the accumulation period of your indexed annuity—after you make either a lump sum payment or a series of payments—the insurance company credits you with a return based on the movement of an index in the stock market. After the accumulation period, you can choose to annuitize, which means you’ll receive periodic payments under the terms of your contract, unless you choose to receive your contract value in a lump sum.  With an indexed annuity, you choose the initial premium amount, interest crediting strategies, income options, and withdrawal options.

• Guarantees. A minimum guaranteed contract value and interest rate.
• Flexibility. Provides options to withdraw money when you need it.
• Tax Deferral. You won’t pay taxes on the growth until you take withdrawals.
• Protection. You can count on your money being protected from direct downside market risk.
• Income. When the time is right for you, you can turn on income that will last as long as you do.
• Legacy. Any remaining contract value will go to your loved ones.

We work with the most stable, highly rated companies in this industry.  Click here for an illustration, or contact us to schedule an appointment or for more info.


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Thanks for visiting! I Look forward to hearing from you. -Chris
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